The name Luigi Colani stands for an unmistakable understanding of design that combines organic forms with futuristic visions. His work, which encompasses architecture, automotive design and everyday...
The book "Living in a Dream" offers a futuristic insight into the world of imaginary architecture and interiors. The book introduces artists and designers who use AI and 3D technology to create...
The book “Homes for Our Time – Vol. 3” offers a detailed overview of contemporary residential architecture worldwide. Based on 59 projects from 25 countries, it shows the impressive...
Maarten van Heemskerck, a Dutch painter and draughtsman of the 16th century, travelled to Rome between 1532 and 1536, which had a lasting influence on his artistic career. This trip was part of a...
The search for sacred places has always fascinated mankind. Jessica Hundley's book 'Sacred Spaces' from Taschen Verlag's Esoterica series takes the reader on a visual and spiritual journey to the...