The book “Good News” immerses the reader in the multifaceted world of renowned American photographer and filmmaker David LaChapelle. Known for his vivid and often surreal images, the book...
The book "Jil Sander-An Approach" by Martina Wiesner begins with a detailed overview of the designer's early years and her first steps in the fashion industry. In the 1970s, Sander founded her own...
The book "Bahrain Crafts - Community, Collaboration and Cultural Heritage" provides a comprehensive insight into the rich tradition of handicrafts in Bahrain. Together, author Mariam Hisham Al...
The book "Viktor&Rolf - Fashion Statements" is dedicated to the extraordinary work of Dutch designer duo Viktor Horsting and Rolf Snoeren. The title says it all: For Viktor&Rolf, fashion is more than...
The two volumes of "Life - Hollywood" offer a comprehensive overview of the film industry from 1936 to 1972. Edited by Reuel Golden and supplemented by essays and captions by Lucy Sante, they shed...