During the Second World War, Doisneau initially worked in the advertising department of Renault before joining the Resistance and secretly photographing life under German occupation. His pictures...
In 'The 12 Steps,' psychotherapist Kikan Massara takes the reader on a journey through the world of symbols and their deep significance for human consciousness. Symbols act as bridges between the...
Japanese architect Shigeru Ban is known for his innovative use of materials, particularly paper and cardboard. His pioneering work with paper tubes began in the early 1990s and revolutionised...
“Homeland is not a place. Homeland is a feeling.” These words by Herbert Grönemeyer make it clear that homeland is much more than just a place on a map. Homeland is what characterises us...
The cradle of French haute couture is not, as one might expect, in the vibrant fashion metropolis of Paris, but in the tranquil town of Mulhouse in south-east France. Since its opening in 1955, the...