Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849) was one of Japan's most prolific and versatile artists, whose work in various media such as woodcut, painting and book illustration is impressive. His oeuvre is divided...
"Carpaccio, Bellini and the Early Renaissance in Venice" sheds light on two artists who were among the most influential figures of a period of cultural and artistic change. With their paintings...
This book about Carole Feuerman, one of the leading artists of Pop Superrealism, sheds light on her extraordinary ability to capture human life in the form of sculpture. Works such as Survival of...
Maarten van Heemskerck, a Dutch painter and draughtsman of the 16th century, travelled to Rome between 1532 and 1536, which had a lasting influence on his artistic career. This trip was part of a...