David LaChapelle's illustrated book "Lost + Found" is a visual spectacle that blurs the boundaries between photography and art. With his provocative stagings, LaChapelle specifically focuses on the...
This book about Carole Feuerman, one of the leading artists of Pop Superrealism, sheds light on her extraordinary ability to capture human life in the form of sculpture. Works such as Survival of...
Helmut Newton's work is closely linked to the vibrant life of Berlin, which characterised him from an early age. Born there in 1920, he began his photographic career in the 1930s with the legendary...
Sherrie Nickol is a photographer who provides exciting insights into the world of youth in her new book. What at first glance looks like another documentary about teenagers turns out on closer...
The book "Uzbekistan - The Hidden Collection" is an impressive work. It was written by Yaffa Assouline and illustrated with sensitive photographs by Harald Gottschalk. The book is the third in a...