The book “Good News” immerses the reader in the multifaceted world of renowned American photographer and filmmaker David LaChapelle. Known for his vivid and often surreal images, the book...
The book "Uzbekistan - The Hidden Collection" is an impressive work. It was written by Yaffa Assouline and illustrated with sensitive photographs by Harald Gottschalk. The book is the third in a...
The American painter and graphic artist Cleon Peterson is known for his powerful and provocative works. His book "Blood and Soil" takes an intense look at power, violence, and social conflict...
The two Americans Charles and Ray Eames are among the most important designers of the 20th century and have had a lasting influence on modern product design with their work, which is known for its...
Berlin in the late 19th and early 20th century – a time when the city was in a creative frenzy and Art Nouveau was at its peak. This extraordinary cultural flourishing not only characterised...