The book "Voyages - Sidetracked Beyond" brings together impressive stories from adventurers who have explored the remotest corners of the earth. On 272 pages, the reader follows expeditions...
The book about Roger Federer provides a detailed insight into the life of one of the greatest tennis players of all time. In close co-operation with Federer and his wife Mirka, the visual biography...
The book "Photographs 1949-1983" by Marvin E. Newman offers a chronological retrospective of an artist who had a decisive influence on American photography. It showcases Newman's work over three...
The book "Living in a Dream" offers a futuristic insight into the world of imaginary architecture and interiors. The book introduces artists and designers who use AI and 3D technology to create...
The book “Small Stories of Great Artists” by Laurence Anholt offers an unusual approach to the life stories of famous artists. The artists are described from the perspective of children...