This book about Carole Feuerman, one of the leading artists of Pop Superrealism, sheds light on her extraordinary ability to capture human life in the form of sculpture. Works such as Survival of...
The book "Andy Warhol - Velvet Rage and Beauty" opens up a multifaceted view of the artist who became world-famous through Pop Art. The book focuses on Warhol's personal side, in particular his...
Robert Longo (*1953, Brooklyn) is an American artist who is best known for his large-format charcoal drawings. With impressive precision and attention to detail, he realises scenes that deal with...
The book “Good News” immerses the reader in the multifaceted world of renowned American photographer and filmmaker David LaChapelle. Known for his vivid and often surreal images, the book...
The book "18th Century Style" offers an in-depth account of the artistic and cultural developments of the 18th century, when the world experienced a unique combination of aesthetic perfection and...