The book "British Isles 1900 - A Portrait in Colour" by Sebastian Dobson and Sabine Arqué takes the reader on an impressive journey through the British Isles at the turn of the century. Over 800...
"Carpaccio, Bellini and the Early Renaissance in Venice" sheds light on two artists who were among the most influential figures of a period of cultural and artistic change. With their paintings...
The book "The National Gallery - Paintings, People, Portraits" invites you on an impressive journey through seven centuries of European art history. Founded in 1824, the National Gallery in London...
The book "Bahrain Crafts - Community, Collaboration and Cultural Heritage" provides a comprehensive insight into the rich tradition of handicrafts in Bahrain. Together, author Mariam Hisham Al...
The two volumes of "Life - Hollywood" offer a comprehensive overview of the film industry from 1936 to 1972. Edited by Reuel Golden and supplemented by essays and captions by Lucy Sante, they shed...