The book "Andy Warhol - Velvet Rage and Beauty" opens up a multifaceted view of the artist who became world-famous through Pop Art. The book focuses on Warhol's personal side, in particular his...
Robert Longo (*1953, Brooklyn) is an American artist who is best known for his large-format charcoal drawings. With impressive precision and attention to detail, he realises scenes that deal with...
From the 1960s to the 1980s, numerous foreign artists worked in both parts of Germany. Many of them came to Germany during the Cold War on scholarships and cultural agreements, accompanied by guest...
The book "Divine Light - The Art of Mosaic in Rome, 300 - 1300 AD" offers a comprehensive insight into the world of medieval Roman mosaic art. This art form developed at a time when Rome was no...
The American painter and graphic artist Cleon Peterson is known for his powerful and provocative works. His book "Blood and Soil" takes an intense look at power, violence, and social conflict...