Robert Longo

04.09.2024 - 25.01.2025Albertina Vienna
Robert Longo Untitled (White Tiger), 2011 240 × 177,8 cm, Kohle auf aufgezogenem Papier
Robert Longo Untitled (Phantom Vessel), 2008 270 × 480 cm, Kohle auf Papier
Robert Longo Untitled (Eric), 1981 244 × 152,5 cm, Kohle und Graphit auf Papier
Robert Longo Untitled (Herzeleide, Barbara’s Eyes), 2012 243,8 × 177,8 cm, Kohle auf aufgezogenem Papier
Robert Longo Untitled (Ping), 2007 177,8 × 198,1 cm, Kohle auf aufgezogenem Papier
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An artist of contrasts

Robert Longo (*1953, Brooklyn) is an American artist who is best known for his large-format charcoal drawings. With impressive precision and attention to detail, he realises scenes that deal with social and political themes. Longo’s works, mostly in black and white, are characterised by strong contrasts of light and dark and often look like snapshots of important events. His use of charcoal as his main medium enables him to create a special depth and texture that draws the viewer into the scenes depicted.

Socially relevant topics

The examination of violence, power and oppression runs like a common thread through Longo’s work. For example, he thematises American gun culture and social injustice. In doing so, he avoids bold depictions and instead relies on subtle allusions that leave the viewer room for their own interpretations. In his “Men in the Cities” series, Longo captures the torn nature of modern man caught between social pressure and isolation. The works, which were created back in the 1980s, have lost none of their topicality to this day.

Art outside the mainstream

A striking feature of Longo’s art is his ability to achieve strong visual effects through reduction. By isolating iconic images from the media and focussing on the essentials, he gives them a completely new meaning. The monumentality of his drawings reinforces this effect. The subtle shading and lighting lend the pictures an intensity that exaggerates the original motif. It is often not the detail, but the whole that touches the viewer emotionally.

Charcoal as a means of expression

Longo’s choice of charcoal as his main medium is unusual for the type of work he is known for. Charcoal, a material traditionally used for quick sketches, is used by Longo in such a way that his drawings almost look like photographs. Through the targeted use of light and shadow and the precise processing of the material, he succeeds in creating an almost tangible depth. The charcoal drawings are not only depictions of reality, but also an examination of the process of drawing itself. This technique enables him to capture the fleeting moment of a photographic image in a charcoal drawing.


The exhibition “Robert Longo” (Advertising) can be seen from 04/09/2024 – 26/01/2025 at the Albertina in Vienna.

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