The 12 Steps – Symbols, Myths, and Archetypes of Recovery

Original title
Book cover -  "The 12 Steps - Symbols, Myths, and Archetypes of Recovery"
Photo: Taschen Verlag
Book cover – “The 12 Steps – Symbols, Myths, and Archetypes of Recovery
Photo: Taschen Verlag
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Introduction to the language of symbols

In “The 12 Steps”, psychotherapist Kikan Massara takes the reader on a journey through the world of symbols and their deep significance for human consciousness. Symbols act as bridges between the conscious and the unconscious, both on an individual and collective level. They open doors between the visible and invisible realms of human existence and create resonance between the parts of the greater whole. A symbolic perspective not only helps to make connections, but also to heal broken connections. Massara argues that symbols are a universal language that facilitate understanding and communication across cultural and linguistic barriers.

Interior view - "The 12 Steps - Symbols, Myths, and Archetypes of Recovery"
Photo: Taschen Verlag
Interior view – “The 12 Steps – Symbols, Myths, and Archetypes of Recovery”
Photo: Taschen Verlag

Addiction as a loss of social ties

The book examines addiction in the context of symbols and presents it as a complex challenge. Massara describes addiction as an ‘adaptive response’ to the fragmentation and loss of bonds in modern society. Different definitions and views of addiction complicate treatment and prevention. Some see addiction as a chronic disease, others as a reaction to social and economic conditions. Massara shows how social changes and the loss of traditional communities have contributed to the increase in addictive behaviour. She argues that addiction is often an attempt to fill an inner void and that lasting recovery is only possible through the restoration of social bonds.

Interior view - "The 12 Steps - Symbols, Myths, and Archetypes of Recovery"
Photo: Taschen Verlag
Interior view – “The 12 Steps – Symbols, Myths, and Archetypes of Recovery”
Photo: Taschen Verlag

The expansion of consciousness

Another theme of the book is the expansion of human consciousness. Traditional and indigenous cultures have developed techniques to transcend known reality through trance states and rituals. These practices require respect and preparation as they can have profound effects. Massara describes methods such as meditation, breathwork and the use of natural psychedelic substances. She examines the historical and cultural background of these practices and shows how they promote healing and spiritual realisation. The author emphasises that it is important to consciously address these conditions in order to solve global challenges.

Interior view - "The 12 Steps - Symbols, Myths, and Archetypes of Recovery"
Photo: Taschen Verlag
Interior view – “The 12 Steps – Symbols, Myths, and Archetypes of Recovery”
Photo: Taschen Verlag

The 12 steps to recovery

The “Twelve Steps”, originally developed by Alcoholics Anonymous, are described as an effective method for healing and restoring relationships. Massara emphasises that they are aimed at both the individual and the community. They offer a structured approach to overcoming addiction and promote understanding and solidarity. Each step helps to take responsibility, find forgiveness and discover a new meaning in life. The experienced psychotherapist explains how these principles can heal addiction and other ailments. She emphatically emphasises that community and support are indispensable components of this healing process.


Original titleThe 12 Steps – Symbols, Myths, and Archetypes of Recovery
AuthorKikan Massara
EditorJessica Hundley
PublisherTaschen Verlag
Pages384 pages, with numerous illustrations
Dimensions17 x 24 cm
Price30 €

Further information

Further information on the book The 12 Steps – Symbols, Myths and Archetypes of Recovery” (advert) can be found on the Taschen Verlag website.


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