The American artist Robert Longo, known for his monumental charcoal drawings, combines art and social criticism in an unconventional way in his work. The exhibition at the Albertina in Vienna is...
"Carpaccio, Bellini and the Early Renaissance in Venice" sheds light on two artists who were among the most influential figures of a period of cultural and artistic change. With their paintings...
David LaChapelle's illustrated book "Lost + Found" is a visual spectacle that blurs the boundaries between photography and art. With his provocative stagings, LaChapelle specifically focuses on the...
"The book 'Rembrandt's Amsterdam - Golden Times?multi-faceted picture of the Dutch metropolis in the 17th century.This era was characterised by an economic and cultural boom. Amsterdam developed into...
The book "Myths for the Future " sheds light on the work of Swiss artist HR Giger, who created an unmistakable aesthetic with his biomechanical style. By merging man and machine, he developed an...