The Prada story begins in 1913, when Mario Prada and his brother Martino open a leather goods workshop in Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II in Milan. The two brothers produce high-quality suitcases, bags...
Diana Vreeland – The woman who revolutionized fashion
Diana Vreeland was one of the most influential personalities in the world of fashion. She not only shaped the style and image of magazines like Harper’s Bazaar and Vogue, but also the culture...
Jascha Heifetz – The violinist of the century
Jascha Heifetz is considered one of the most important violinists of the 20th century. His virtuoso playing, distinctive tone and musical genius have inspired and influenced generations of violinists...
Alexander Wang – The rebel of the fashion world
Alexander Wang is one of the most famous and influential fashion designers of today. He is known for his minimalist and urban style that combines elements of sportswear, streetwear and high fashion...
Elie Saab – A master of elegance
Elie Saab is one of the most famous and successful fashion designers in the world. His creations are known for their exquisite workmanship, refined details and glamorous appeal. He dresses stars and...