David LaChapelle's illustrated book "Lost + Found" is a visual spectacle that blurs the boundaries between photography and art. With his provocative stagings, LaChapelle specifically focuses on the...
Carsten Höller's "Book of Games" offers an extraordinary collection of games that do not require any materials at all. The games range from simple exercises to creative and mental challenges. Some...
The book "Myths for the Future " sheds light on the work of Swiss artist HR Giger, who created an unmistakable aesthetic with his biomechanical style. By merging man and machine, he developed an...
The book "Mars Photographs from the NASA Archives" offers a comprehensive visual exploration of the Red Planet with images from six decades of NASA research. Since Galileo Galilei's first...
Helmut Newton's work is closely linked to the vibrant life of Berlin, which characterised him from an early age. Born there in 1920, he began his photographic career in the 1930s with the legendary...